Dumpus - Stats for Discord


Wish you had a pretty Discord version of Spotify Wrapped? Generate yours at any time thanks to your Discord Data Package!

Different time ranges

All stats in the app can be checked in 3 different time ranges: 4 weeks, 6 months and lifetime so you can seamlessly see how your activity evolved over time.

Top users & servers

Check which servers and users you talk the most on/with. Calculated with machine learning based on, you can also get the chat sentiment score.

Open Source

Privacy is key. Anyone can read our code, and run all the calculation locally. In all cases, your data can only be read thanks to a key kept in your device.

Activity over time

See what time of day you're most active, and check your Discord activity over time with graphs.

Funny science stuff

How many time did your app crash? How many bots have you added on Discord? How many messages have you edited? Find out!

Time spent on Discord

This is an experimental feature, but in this first version the app can also calculate how much time you spent on Discord and in voice channels.